Safety and Guidelines

1). While using the App

  • Don't send money to anyone, no matter what.
  • Maintain your secrecy and privacy by keeping information such as your bank account details, family details, home address, daily routine etc. confidential.
  • Don't move to other platforms like Instagram or WhatsApp. Keep the communication on Abyow so that we can assist you better in unforeseen circumstances.

2). Safety from Cyber threats and Cybercrimes

  • We encourage you to report people (profiles) who are abusive, fake, non-responsive, underage, scammer, spammer or in any legitimate way don't deserve to be on Abyow.
  • Abyow never calls or sends you messages or emails asking for your credentials, money or other information for any purpose. If you have received any such communication, report here

3). While making plans to meet your date

  • Choose a public place with significant number of people for the first few meetings. You must avoid any private location such as a hotel, your own home and your date's home as the rendezvous. Take your time to trust people.
  • Inform your family or friends about who are you going to meet with, at what place and at what time. Also tell them how you two are going to spend time together and what time you should be back at.
  • You should save Police’s emergency helpline number in your device on speed dial before going out with your new date. That way if anything goes wrong, the cops can help you out.

4). While you are with your date

  • Avoid consuming alcohol or any substance which can impair your sense of mental and physical judgement.
  • Never leave your drink, food and belongings (like Phone, wallet, Jacket) unattended. Your date can steal your belongings or add sedatives to your drink to impair your consciousness.
  • Share your live location with your friends and/or family.
  • If you are drunk, please don't drive, rather book a ride or ask your friends or someone in the family to pick you up.

5). If your feel uncomfortable or threatened

  • Immediately End the date and ask people around you for help if needed.
  • Or call the cops by dialling 011100 or 0111091 (women helpline) if needed. (This is only for India, the police helpline number in your country might be different. Please save it in your phone before going out.)
  • If you have decided to have sex with your date, please remember that Sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases like HIV/AIDS exist. It's better that two of you get checked before getting into the moment.

Sex with a person who, is underage, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or hasn't given his/her/their consent or withdraws his/her/their consent at any moment, is rape which is a punishable offence all across the world.

Community Guidelines

The following activities are prohibited on Abyow both Online and Offline:

  • Promoting people, businesses and services.
  • Nudity, vulgarity, bullying, racism, communalism, casteism, Anti-Semitism, graphic and abusive content or anything of such immoral, illegitimate and illegal nature.
  • Sending abusive, coercive and threatening messages and media to fellow users.
  • Offering any type of service or trade including prostitution.
  • Using pictures featuring someone else or providing false, incomplete or misleading information on your profile.
  • Use of Abyow by Underage people. (Minimum legal age of consent in India is 18 years. Please update yourself with the laws and the legal age of consent in your state or country)
  • Asking for money or financial details and personal information from people you have come in contact here.

Abyow reserves the right to investigate and/or terminate your account without any appeal if you have misused the Service or behaved in a way that Abyow regards as inappropriate, unlawful, or in violation of the Terms of Use , including actions or communications that occur off the Service but involve users you meet through the Service.

We encourage you to read our safety and guidelines so that you can safeguard yourself from such people and report  any inappropriate behaviour without any delay.

Have we missed something?

If you have some unanswered questions, you can reach out to us at

Last Updated on 21st October 2023

Original text